How to use the new Reply To feature to seamlessly communicate with your users

We have released a new feature which allows you to seamlessly communicate with your users. We love dogfooding and use LiveForm for our contact forms. We get a lot of messages and it becomes tedious to create a new email and copy the recipient address to a new email and then respond. We have been using this feature for a while and are making it public now. To use this feature just do the following:

  1. Add an email field to your contact form, you may already have this field. Copy the name of this input field from your contact form.
  2. Go to the ‘Repy To’ tab for your form and set the reply_to value to the name from step (1)Reply To tab for your form

That is it, now when you get a notification email for your contact form. Just hit ‘Reply’ and continue the conversation.